Split Screen '99 - Episode #37

Back to Asia for Split Screen's Doug Stone and PH O'Brien as they introduce us to Japanese actor Haruo Nakajima, better known as the original Godzilla.

Billy Graham Ministries
What independent film organization in the last 50 years has made over 125 films, seen by over 200 million people? They make them, they distribute them in a niche market, they inspect the prints, package the videos, design the poster and are getting into DVD and internet. They do it all. They're a model for any secular filmmaker organization you can think of: Answer: Billy Graham Ministries and the production wing, World Wide Pictures. Based in the Twin Cities, Split Screen's TJ and Beth Larson take a look.

Big Shot
Maggie Hadleigh West was a Split Screen featured subject when she squared off with Ugly George. Now she's in charge, bringing us a segment on Karen Riposo and her multi-racial children's Performing Arts program featuring Jacob D'Eustachio. "Are you rolling PH?"

Episode #37 Credits

Disclaimer: Do not send scripts! We won't read them because we don't produce films from the script stage.

© 1997-1998 Grainy Pictures, Inc.